Friday 24 June 2011

Saturday 18 June 2011

Huh??? (scribbles)

Where go all the posts?!
I admit, I fell off the image posting bandwagon a weeee little bit, and I feel bad for that. A bit.
In all honesty, my phone committed suicide about a month back, thus making me lose my PaintJoy application, thus I mourned the loss of both my contact list and ability to paint pictures with my fingers without any mess.
I now have a new phone, the same model (updated version), and about half my contact list. I guess I didn't need the other half of it. I do not, however, have my PaintJoy app. Sigh.
But I have some sharpie/pen/highlighter/pencil/marker scribbles which are actually my inspiration for a potential photoshoot with some girlfriends in the upcoming weeks.

Monday 23 May 2011


Where have I been?
Certainly not to London to visit the Queen, I'll tell you that much.
With a degree now under my belt, I am sitting and waiting on convocation before I can officially write those little letters after my name.

I broke my cell phone, therefore I have no PaintJoy scribbles. I have yet to download PaintJoy on my new phone, bu I will sooner or later, I promise. I just can't connect my phone to the WiFi at home because apparently I'm technologically a moron.

In the meantime, I'm working on writing a couple of letters, and the only reason I'm posting this is because I know the person who this is for won't access it here. I won't show the actual writing, but I will show the collages on the backs of the pages (ahem, cue cards..). I still have some writing to finish on it, so I may update with the next bunch of cards later on. And sooner or later I'll show the other letter I'm working on, but I can't show that for at least another few weeks. Muchos sorries for that.

In other news:

This is my super awesome new mug. I bought it because I finally got my licence and I felt the need to celebrate in the form of buying a mismatched mug. This mug is HUUUGE. I love it.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

There are no words.

It's crunch time before exams. I hate crunch time.

I feel more tired, more distracted, much busier, and much less motivated this time of year. Everytime his time of year.

As of now, however, I really need to focus on my readings.



I was skimming through some notes to do some studying and found an elephant scribble that JT and I did together during seminars. It started out really badly because we weren't trying, but I think considering what we had started with, the end result wasn't half bad! :)

Sorry for the bad lighting.

Monday 18 April 2011

hello hello

I was playing around with some oil paint last week in a manner that was reminiscent of my childhood experiences with crayons: colouring layer over layer with all of the brightest and happiest colours, and applying a thick layer of black overtop of all of those colours, only to use a sharp pencil to scrape bits of that top black layer and expose the colours underneath. While this wasn't crayon, and I didn't apply the layer of black overtop, I did play around with scraping off the top layer of paint with the end of a paintbrush.

Hello hello.

Portraits 3.0

More more more! These are so much fun. Just testing out some different styles and whatnots.

10 second portrait of my dogs: Squishy and Hammy

My "fewer-than-10-lines" portrait scribble of Homer Simpson.
I only just realized that I forgot his ear... but those are overrated, right?

ink scribbles

Stayed up late last night scribbling for the sake of scribbling.
I hope the animals are self-explanatory.

And just because it made me smile this morning:

This was my sister's breakfast. Sunny side up eggs on pumpernickel bread and blueberries (the hair).
The pepper above the smile was supposed to look like freckles, not a five o'clock shadow in the making.

Saturday 16 April 2011